Marcus Cheung

Co-founder of Be Rich Diary and an ordinary university student.

My Story

When I was a kid, I was wondering what should I become? How should I achieve my dream? I have no answer for myself and am very sceptical about my future, uncertainly and scepticism always on my side.

Studying in primary school, my teacher told my class once to write our ideal dream to become in the future, my future career. When others start writing their dream and future career, I was lost. I have no idea what should I write or what should I become. I understand I don’t like to find a job doing tedious and endless tasks every single day. Neither I am not a creative person nor an A+ genius in school. I wish to be free, having a chance to become a free man.

I wish my parents and teachers would teach me how to become free and successful and not study in school. When I ask how to become free, the only thing I receive is to study hard. Studying hard can get me rich, study hard can bring me to success, studying hard can lead me to success. I was desperate and understand I am not a study genius. I don’t really understand the stuff my teachers taught me, and sometimes I will fail my quiz, test, and exam. I could even get a 0 mark.

I hate to study. I hate to study. I hate to study.” These few words continue to flow in my mind.

Time flies, I have a thought to open a company. I wish to become a boss, dreaming of lots of my employees working for me, but I don’t understand the steps to achieve this dream. It will be a splendid idea if someone is working for me to running the boring jobs and repeat the job every day on my behalf like a robot.

I did the same thing as I did before, asking my parents, relatives, and friends. Most people laugh, telling me I won’t succeed and should down to earth and get a job when I graduate.

I don’t believe their words because they did not go through and become successful. I chose to listen to the words of those who succeed and learn the way to become successful and have freedom, creating a pathway for myself. I don’t like spoon-feeding study and reading., but reading those success stories and different brilliant minds that went through, I soon fall in love, what they have gone through is fascinating and attracts me. These actions I did is all came from my will.

Unlike the educating method of school, spoon-feeding the knowledge to the students and punish them if they do wrong. Those who succeed fails, they will learn and overcome the problems.

I don’t feel afraid of making mistakes, but I am afraid of not having a chance to make mistakes.

Quote, Motto, and Belief

You could not choose which family you are born in, but you could control what's your future will be.
Working hard does not make you rich.
Your boss will.
Working for money is an act of slavery.
Money working for you is an sign of freedom.
When you believe you are not capable of making an accomplishment, then your dream will not come true.

Route to Freedom

[2021, June] Create and become the co-founder of Be Rich Diary.

My Dream

- Sky Diving
- Paragliding
- 🌎Travel around the world
- 🛰Space Travel
- 👨‍✈️Become a pilot
- 🛩Operate a light aircraft
- 🚁Operate a helicopter


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