Economic Book: Economic Projection

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On this page, you could find books we recommend you to read for learning today’s economy. You will be redirected to our affiliated providers when you click on the buttons. You can begin reading them one by one started from the top.

Here are the books that we have started to read when we know nothing about the world’s economy. You can begin reading them one by one started from the top. We have arranged the order based on which book is much pressing that you should read and whether the information in the book is up-to-date or not.

“History is repeating itself” We should learn what happened and we thereby could predict our future.

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The Great Devaluation, a book that uses easy wordings to help you understanding today’s economy. By reading this book, you will learn how worse today’s economy is. If you want to know what is going on now about the currency, read this book. QE? FED? Buying Gold? You will know more after you read this book.

The Great Devaluation: How to Embrace, Prepare, and Profit from the Coming Global Monetary Reset

English Version
Chinese Version

The Great Devaluation, a book that uses easy wordings to help you understanding today’s economy. By reading this book, you will learn how worse today’s economy is. If you want to know what is going on now about the currency, read this book. QE? FED? Buying Gold? You will know more after you read this book.

The Road to Ruin, a book that you should read after reading the great devaluation. The author, Mr. James Rickards, in this book, gives his prediction (with evidence) on how our economy will end up with. If you want to know what may end up with when the debt bubble breaks, read this book.

The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis

English Version
Chinese Version

The Road to Ruin, a book that you should read after reading the great devaluation. The author, Mr. James Rickards, in this book, gives his prediction (with evidence) on how our economy will end up with. If you want to know what may end up with when the debt bubble breaks, read this book.

Aftermath, a book published in 2019, has described the world’s economy from a macro perspective. By reading this book, you will learn how you should prepare for the upcoming cracking of the debt bubble.

Aftermath: Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos

English Version
Chinese Version

Aftermath, a book published in 2019, has described the world’s economy from a macro perspective. By reading this book, you will learn how you should prepare for the upcoming cracking of the debt bubble.

The Death of Money, a book that will walk you through what is going on in the current devasted monetary system. By reading this book, you will learn why the monetary system is collapsing. The content in this book will be similar to the Great Devaluation but from another perspective and much in-depth.

The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System

English Version
Chinese Version

The Death of Money, a book that will walk you through what is going on in the current devasted monetary system. By reading this book, you will learn why the monetary system is collapsing. The content in this book will be similar to the Great Devaluation but from another perspective and much in-depth.

Currency Wars, a book that walks you through what may lead to a global crisis. By reading this book, you will learn why there is always currency war between countries and how to develop an economic crisis, even a global one.

Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis

English Version
Chinese Version

Currency Wars, a book that walks you through what may lead to a global crisis. By reading this book, you will learn why there is always currency war between countries and how to develop an economic crisis, even a global one.