Life is a game: A mindset that makes your life better


Does anyone think your life is a tragedy? Do you ever hate your life? I don’t know what’s your answer, but it was once a yes to me. I hate a lot of stuff in my life. For example, why am I doing something that I am not willing to do? Why people I like don’t like me? Why would no one help me when I fail? Why am I not born into a wealthy family? Why? I have a lot to blame. Sometimes, really, I have no idea why I come into this world. 

These thoughts had made me become a pessimistic person and had made me desperate for my life. Things change after I have watched a random video on TikTok. In that video, I found all the answers to address my whys. Since then, I have become much more optimistic and willing to face challenges and failure no matter if I am fighting on my own or not.

If you are struggling with the questions that I have brought up, what I write in this article may help you stop dwelling on these thoughts.

Life is a Game

Do you like playing video games? I love it so much. Don’t you think we can do what we want in the game is so fascinating? We can rob in GTA. We can kill creepy monsters in Zelda. We can literally do what we want in a video game. Apart from that, don’t you think the stories and characters setting are so engaging in video games? We are a hacker in Watchdog. We are survivors in the Day After Tomorrow…… 

In the past, I used to play video games a lot since I can escape from the reality when I am in the virtual world. I believe there must be someone feeling the same as I do. I have wasted a lot of time playing video games until I realize my life is also a game. 

Same as video games, we get our setting, our storyline, and our mission. Also, we can do what we want in our life. They are the same, right? The only difference between them is that we have no choice when playing the game called ‘Life’. We cannot choose whether we are playing the game or not. We cannot select our identity, our family, our colors, and more. But you know what, we can choose who we are going to be. 

Playing well in a video game cannot change how you live, how you think, how you deal with stuff, but the game ‘Life’ can. If you want to be good in the game, you need to be persevering, passionate, ambitious, and self-disciplined, period!

Here are some tips for you to be good in the game called “Life”.

i. Make your own choice

People only become ambitious, passionate, and persevering when they are doing something they choose. It’s what we call the choice. Look, making a choice means you are doing what you want to do, such as becoming an entrepreneur, doing a website, losing weight, and more. It is a thing that you are passionate, and cannot wait to accomplish. 

A mission is totally different compared to a choice. It is what you need to do instead of what you want to do. For instance, studying in school, do you think you like studying in school? Do you want to get an A grade for all your subjects? If the answer is no, then it is a mission rather than a choice. 

Choose your own path

The reason for us to make a choice is that it will give us power. It allows us to stand up again after we fail, it ensures us to be 100% concentrated on what we are doing, it lets us do better…… Keep in mind, making a choice is accomplishing what you choose, but doing a mission is finishing tasks that you are unwilling to do, the concept of being active or passive.

Of course, we sometimes cannot choose, for instance, things your parent would like you to do. But other than these things, choose on your own. It matters.

Be aware of what you are working on right now, whether it is a mission or a choice.


ii. Embrace your setting

Often, I found people are unwilling to accept their flaws, identity, family background, and more. They waste a lot of time struggling with those that cannot be changed. But why? Why are people spending time dwelling on things they cannot change? The reason is they deny accepting who they are. They hate their character sets. 

Everything is settled once we are born. We cannot change something that is destined. In such a case, why don’t you accept it? I understand that you may feel angry, disappointed, or desperate for something you get, maybe a flaw. I know how it feels. But hoping or waiting is never a strategy to make things better. In such a case, why don’t we change our minds? To accept who we are and do the best things we can do in our life. 

Sometimes, life is the same as playing poker, and you can win even though you are starting with shit cards. Try to embrace who you are and what you have. Then, you take action to make them better. Instead of wasting time thinking of them, learn more, read more, do more, and be proud of who you are.

Embrace who you are and what you have. Then, do everything you can to make your life better.


iii. Start Another Round!

Sometimes, I hear people say our fate is settled when God creates us. I do not know whether it is correct or not, but the only thing I know is what we are experiencing or doing makes who we are. Every success and failure is part of our game, is part of our journey. If you face a difficulty, grit your teeth and get through it. Look, every obstacle in our life is just like a mini-game, and you can beat every one of them. If you lose, just start another round. It does not matter how many times you try. And, you will eventually win the game if you do not give up.

Start another round!

Also, you need to understand winning and losing are common. No one could be a winner all the time, and everyone sometimes loses, even a successful person. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, “Failure is the mother of success.” Learning from your mistakes matters the most when you fail. The reason that successful people are successful is that they are unbeatable. No matter how many times they fall, they learn from their mistake and stand up again. That’s why they are successful. And that’s what you should learn to be. 

Keep in mind, failure only becomes failure when you stop trying and leave the game.

They are all mini-games. Just start another round when you lose.


iv.  No pain, no gain

Do you know how babies learn how to walk? They fall and get back up again repeatedly until they learn how to balance themselves. That’s the same when we are learning something new. We try, then fail, and try, and fail, repeating it again and again until we succeed. We never learn without failing.

I found something interesting these days. People nowadays often cannot accept the fact that they have failed. There are multiple reasons causing this “problem”, but the biggest one is our educational system. Our educational system did a “great job” of making us afraid of making mistakes. They “fail” every student who makes mistakes and implant the mindset of “you must be 100% correct” in our minds.

Students who fall victim to that mindset grow up and apply this mindset to their life. That’s why people nowadays seldom accept they are wrong. It is not their fault, but if you are one of the victims, you must get rid of this mindset as quickly as possible since it will cause damage to your spiritual health. Keep in mind, it is okay to be wrong. Getting wrong is always the part of our progress to learn, to be successful. 

Keep failing and trying is how we, humans, learn. Do not be afraid of losing. Same as above, you can restart a game whenever you want. If you lose, just start another round and play it more smartly. Remember, life is a game. You level up when you come across a failure, an obstacle.

You never grow without failing.


Final Thought

I understand you may sometimes feel tough to go through some hard times or accept something you don’t expect to see. It’s normal. Everyone does feel tough. But, you are to know you cannot change anything if you are just sitting there and hope the problem will fix someday. In such a case, why don’t you change your minds to hit him harder when lives hit you? Hope this article embarks you.

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