How To Use Google Alert? 4 Simple Tips & Operators+Examples

What is Google Alerts?

Google Alerts is a tool that monitors the web for interesting new content. It sends you an email when something new about a topic is upload to the internet after you have created an alert related to that field.


How to use Google Alerts?

To use the Google Alert, first, go to the website. Then, input the topic you are interested in by typing a keyword in the Google Alerts search bar to create an alert. Since then, the system will send you an email to notify you whenever something is related to that field.

Google Alerts setting
Google Alert

You can also adjust the setting to optimize the result you get, such as:

How oftenAs-it-happen/At most once a day/At-most-a-day
LanguageAny Language you like
RegionAny country you like
ResultThe best/ All
Setting when creating alerts

Tips when creating alerts

Apart from the settings, to ensure the result will come out as expected, you are to create a precise and good alert. To do that, here are some tips for you.

i. Avoid using common words

Avoid using common words allow you to remove the noise and be notified when something related to what you are interested in is upload on the web.

ii. Combining keywords by including them in “ “

A precise alert could be created by combining keywords. For instance, if you are searching for BeRichDiary+Personal+Growth, you should enter “BeRichDiary Personal Growth” to make an alert rather than creating three alerts.

iii. Use filters

Using filters such as region and language allows you to stay away from something irrelevant to what you want. For instance, you are creating an alert about U.S news, I don’t think you are interested in India News, right? In such a case, use the filter and set the region to the United States.

How oftenAs-it-happen/At most once a day/At-most-a-day
LanguageAny Language you like
RegionAny country you like
ResultThe best/ All

iv. Use operators to create alerts

The most important part, remember to use operators. There are several operators that can be used in Google Alert, and they are as follows:

OperationHow to use them
[“ “] – Phrase search[“Keyword1 Keyword2…]
[site:] – search within a specific website/whole class of site[Keyword site:siteURL] or
[Keyword site:.class]
[-] – Terms you want to exclude[Keyword -exclude item]
[*] – Fill in blanks[Keyword *]
[+] – Search exactly[+Keyword]
[ | ] – OR operator [keyword1|keyword2] or
[keyword1 OR keyword2].

[“ “] – Phrase search

Example of how to use " " operator to include phrase when using Google Alert
Google Alert Phrase Search

If creating an alert about Apple iPhone, enter “Apple iPhone” in the query.   [“Keyword1 Keyword2…]

[site:] – search within a specific website/class of sites

Example of how to use site: operator to create an alert for new content post on a specific website when using Google Alert
earch within a specific website

If creating an alert about iPhone in, enter iPhone in the query. [Keyword site:siteURL]

Example of how to use site: operator to create an alert for new content post on a specific class when using Google Alert
search within a class of sites

If creating an alert about documents of government, enter documents in the query. [Keyword site:.class]

(remember to add a . before the class)

Common Class (Top Level Domain)Purpose
Common Class

[-] – Terms you want to exclude

Example of how to use - operator to exclude something for creating an alert when using Google Alert
Terms excluding

If excluding information about IPhone in the topic related to Phone, enter Phone -IPhone in the query. [Keyword -exclude item]

[*] – Fill in blanks

Example of how to use * operator to find something for creating an alert when using Google Alert
how to use * placeholder

If you want to create an alert about something related to Google, enter Google * in the query. * will serve as a placeholder to give you many things related to the keyword. [“Keyword *”]

(remember to add ” ” to combine keywords)

[+] – Search exactly

Example of how to use + operator to find something exactly with keyword when using Google Alert
Search something exactly

If you want to create an alert about something exactly, for instance, Guitar, add a + before the word (with no space) allows you to search something exactly. Google sometimes will help us to find related stuff. To avoid that, use the + operator. [+Keyword]

[ | ] – OR operator 

Example of how to use | operator to find something when using Google Alert
OR operator

If creating an alert about either keyword1 or keyword2, enter keyword1|keyword2 in the query. You can also use OR as the operator. [keyword1|keyword2] or [keyword1 OR keyword2].

How to modify or disable an Alert?

To modify or disable an alert, you can go to the main page of the google alert (by the URL or empty everything in your search bar). Then, you will see the alerts that you have created.

Click the pen icon 🖋️ to modify your alert (setting and the keyword)

Click the Trash Bin Icon 🗑️ to disable your alert

Google Alert: how to modify or disable an alert.

User-Friendly Settings (Delivery time & Digest)

You can also set the time to receive your email and collect all alerts in a single email by clicking the setting icon ⚙️ in the My alerts console. With such settings, you could be free from “email attacks”.

User-friendly setting in Google Alerts.

To ensure the content we delivered is accurate and trustworthy, BeRichDiary works the best to find and takes references to reliable sources that support our work. This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

  1. How to Set up Google Alerts (and Use It to Grow Your Business). (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2021, from
  2. Google Keyword Alerts – Creating Customised Monitoring | net101. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2021, from

If you want to read more about the topic, here are some articles we found helpful.

  1. Google Alerts Customised Monitoring — Net101

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