3 Best Tomato Timer: How To Schedule Your Time To Learn?

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Pomodoro Technique, so-called the Tomato Timer 🍅, is a well-known method to enhance people’s learning outcomes. It was invented by Francesco Cirillo in 1980s. The process of using the Pomodoro Technique is as follows:

Flowchart of the Pomodoro Technique (Tomato Timer)
StepsWhat should you do?
1️⃣Divide to-do-missions into different timeslot (so-called a tomato 🍅)
2️⃣Start the timer
3️⃣Work until the clock rings
4️⃣Rest for 5 minutes (Short Break) / Rest for 15 minutes (Long Break)
5️⃣Start it over again.

Why should we use the Tomato Timer?

The reasons that the Pomodoro Technique works best to boost people’s learning outcomes are as follows:

1. Dividing and tracking tasks

Often, people are easy to be distracted when they are trying to finish multi-tasks in one go. They will think of another thing when they are doing something. Even if they don’t mean to do it, they are still easy to be distracted.

In such cases, the tomato timer could help them since it helps people to separate what they should be doing in each timeslot (tomato🍅) so that they will not be distracted and be concentrated on what they are doing.

2. Deadline effect

Often, people spend more time than it is supposed to take when they have no deadline to finish their stuff. In such cases, the tomato timer 🍅could help them as it creates a deadline for people. So that people will try to accomplish the task within a period (tomato), hence boost their working/learning outcomes.

But keep in mind, be reasonable when setting a target for each tomato🍅. Do not set a target that is impossible to be accomplished in a short time within a tomato. Instead, try to break them down.

Bonus: Free your mind during the break

Apart from scheduling your time for work reasonably, another way to boost your memory is to exercise during your rest time. According to an article published by the Harvard Health School, exercising can enhance our memory and thinking skills. So, when you are resting, why don’t you try to do some exercise to further boost your memory. You can either go for a walk or do pushups or whatever you want. Just free yourself from what you are previously thinking. And get back to what you are pondering. Maybe you will find a solution to that problem.

Online Tomato Timer Recommendation

1. Pomofocus

1️⃣ Works on both desktop and mobile
2️⃣ Color transition (Pomodoro/ Short Break/ Long Break)
3️⃣ Auto start 🍅 & Break
4️⃣ Alarm customization
5️⃣ Dark mode
6️⃣ Report (available after creating an account)
7️⃣ To-do-tasks
Pomofocus Feature

URL: https://pomofocus.io

2. TomatoTimer

Tomato Timer
1️⃣ Alarm customization
2️⃣ HotKey Available
3️⃣ Timer Customization (Time for 🍅/Short & Long break)
4️⃣ On/Off Browser Notification
5️⃣ Auto start 🍅 & Break
TomatoTimer feature

Please noted that this website doesn’t offer a record of your work.

URL: https://tomato-timer.com

3. Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Timer
1️⃣ To-do-list
2️⃣ Timer Customization (Time for 🍅/Short & Long break)
3️⃣ 🍅& break looping
Pormodoro Timer feature

Please noted that this website doesn’t offer a record of your work.

URL: http://www.tomatotimers.com


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.associatedventure.dev.tomatotimer (Andriod)

https://apps.apple.com/us/app/focus-hub-study-timer/id1478228599 (IOS)

To ensure the content we delivered is accurate and trustworthy, BeRichDiary works the best to find and takes references to reliable sources that support our work. This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

  1. Ariely, D., & Wertenbroch, K. (2002). Procrastination, Deadlines, and Performance: Self-Control by Precommitment. Psychological Science13(3), 219–224. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9280.00441
  2. Pomodoro Technique. (2021). In Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pomodoro_Technique&oldid=1036559503

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